Your child isn't talking much? Get Adrienne's 7-step process help your toddler to talk more! Click here to learn more.

Adrienne's Mighty Chocolate Milkshake

Oct 15, 2023

⬆️ Video with helpful tips above ⬆️

⬇️ Backstory & recipe below ⬇️ 

One of my sons has always been a very picky eater, while my other son will eat alllll the things. Before making these fruit/veggie/protein milkshakes, I needed a way to get lots of nutrients into my son because I couldn't get him to eat enough quantity and variety (he would eat a couple bites here and there and then say he was full) but he was HANGRY a lot of the day. Earlier this year, it was severely impacting his behavior during the whole day every day (he had a very short temper, he was quick to throw toys, hit, kick, run away, slam doors, yell, had sensitivities to loud sounds, seemed stressed a lot and in fight or flight, etc).

We were experiencing 8-10 meltdowns per day. It was a huge challenge for him and for me.

My Occupational Therapist friend is very wise and she has been working with children for about 25 years, so I reached out and asked for her help. She said my son sounded exactly like her teenager d...

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HOW TO USE A VISUAL SCHEDULE for kids: Planning your week just got WAY EASIER! - Tips from a Speech Therapist

Aug 02, 2023

☀️Click here to watch the video☀️

Now that you've watched the video, here are 8 helpful links to all the resources I mentioned in the video:

1. The Weekly Visual Calendar Get 15% off the calendar with code: 15LEARNWITHADRIENNE

(NOTE: I recommend selecting the "Deluxe Version" from the drop-down menu when purchasing so that you also get the card organizer binder included)

2. Weekly Visual Calendar Extension  (this makes the calendar longer so you have more spaces for icons)
Get 15% off the calendar with code: 15LEARNWITHADRIENNE



3. Start learning Sign Language today!
Click here to watch the first sign language lesson in Adrienne's class

Watch the video below of Evey, a 3 Year old student in Adrienne's Sign Language Class who learned to sign her name!

Click here to watch the first sign language lesson in Adrienne's class 


4. Help your toddler learn to talk here: Steps to Help Your Child Learn To Talk Online Class


5. Wall Clock with dry erase surface* 

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How SPRAY BOTTLES help toddlers TALK - Tips from a Speech Therapist

Jul 07, 2020

⬇️ Free printable resources:

⬇️ Help your child learn to talk in Adrienne's step-by-step online class here:




Spray bottles can help your toddler learn HUNDREDS of words.

You don't need fancy toys, flashcards, or apps to help your toddler learn to talk.

Use things you already have around your house.

This video is an at home toddler learning activity. I share how a spray bottle helps toddlers learn new vocabulary.

Hey! I’m Adrienne, Pediatric Speech-Language Pathologist and you want to help your child:

☀️communicate clearly

☀️listen well

☀️gain life skills


Speech and language strategies used in this video:

☀️verbal routines



☀️following dire...

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My 16 Month Old's Top 10 Favorite Books

Jun 09, 2020

My 16 month old's 10 favorite books:

1. My First 100 Words: 9 Mini Board Books
2. Poke-a-Dot: An Alphabet Eye Spy (Board Book with Buttons to Pop)
3. Little Blue Truck
4. Llama Llama Red Pajama
5. Baby's Very First Bus Book

6. School Bus Board Book
7. Lift-the-Flap Seasons and Weather
8. That's Not My Lion
9. Itsy Bitsy Spider
10. See, Touch, Feel: A First Sensory Book

The links on this page are affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links and purchase something, I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. This helps support my website and allows me to continue to make free videos like this. Thank you for your support!


My First 100 Words: 9 Mini Board Books


Poke-a-Dot: An Alphabet Eye Spy (Board Book with Buttons to Pop)

Little Blue Truck


Llama Llama Red Pajama


Baby's Very First Bus Book

School Bus Board Book


Lift-the-Flap Seasons and Weather


That's Not My Lion


Itsy Bitsy Spider


See, Touch, Feel: A Firs...

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How To Raise Bilingual Kids: Resource Guide from a Speech-Language Pathologist

May 24, 2020

Bilingual Kids Resource List: 8 Recommended Articles and Resources

☀️How do I get my child to talk and be bilingual?
☀️Is this normal for him to mix up languages?
☀️When on average do bilingual kids actually begin speaking?
☀️At what age should we start teaching him both languages?
☀️Does Bilingualism CAUSE Language Delays?
☀️I’m scared that exposing my child to multiple languages in our house is causing him to be late with talking." Does raising my child to be bilingual cause a language delay? Am I doing something wrong?


Read, watch, and listen to the resources below to learn more about raising bilingual kids.

1. Hanen:

Bilingualism in Young Children: Separating Fact from Fiction

Can children with language impairments learn two languages?

2. Laura Mize:

Recommendations for Working with Bilingual Toddlers with Language Delay


3. Strength In Words:

Podcast Episode: Raising Bilingual Babies- Tips from a Speech-Language Pathologist

Podcast Episode: Baby Sign Language: Tips and...

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Toddler At-Home Activity: How Play Food Helps Toddlers Talk: Tips from a Speech Therapist

Apr 02, 2020

⬇️Download the free printables I mentioned in the video:

⬇️Toddler falling behind on milestones? Help your toddler learn to talk in Adrienne's step-by-step online class here:

⬇️Learn Sign Language from Adrienne here:

⬇️ITEMS I MENTIONED IN THIS VIDEO (affiliate links):

Play Food (115 piece plastic set):

Play Food (Melissa & Doug wooden set):

If you click through the affiliate links above and purchase something, I do get a small commission. By doing this, you help support me to continue to make free videos for you. Thanks!

⬇️You can find all of my favorite books at my Favorites Page here:

As always, supervise your child for the entirety of this activity.

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How to Get Toddlers to Sit and Read with You: Tips from a Speech Therapist | Learn With Adrienne

Mar 14, 2020

⬇️Download the Milestones Checklist for babies and toddlers here:

⬇️Toddler falling behind on milestones? Help your toddler learn to talk in Adrienne's step-by-step online class here:

⬇️Learn Sign Language from Adrienne here:

⬇️BOOKS I MENTIONED IN THIS VIDEO (affiliate links):

There's A Bear on My Chair:

Hello Bugs!

Little Blue Truck:

Pout Pout Fish:

Row Your Boat:

Numbers Colors Shapes:

Baby Faces:

Making Faces:

If you click through the affiliate links above and purchase the book(s), I do get a small commission. By doing this, you help support me to continue to make free videos for you. Thanks!

⬇️You can find all of my favorite ...

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Diaper Bag Helps Toddlers Learn Vocabulary??! (Diaper Bag Backpack by Miss Fong)

Mar 19, 2019

➜ Download your BLUEPRINT here.

➜ My Diaper Bag This is my affiliate* link to the exact bag I have.
I got my bag on Amazon! It is the Leather Diaper Bag Backpack by Miss Fong. It also comes in different colors like olive, black, blush, navy, red, and gray. It is very similar to the Fawn Design diaper bag, but the inside has mesh pockets instead of leather, which I like because it is more flexible and lightweight!

*If you click through this affiliate link and purchase the diaper bag, I do get a small commission at no cost to you. By doing this, you help support me to continue to make free videos for you. Thanks! :)

👉🏼 Like my Youtube Channel? Subscribe here!

About this video: Simple Kids Vocabulary Learning Activity at Home with a diaper bag

What if you had never seen a diaper bag before? For our toddlers, the world is filled with wonder and new experiences. Let's be their guides and surround their new experiences with words that they can learn to store up in their brains to use t...

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Marriage tips for Parents of Toddlers

Dec 04, 2018

How does marriage change after having a baby?
What about when they enter toddlerhood?
When you have a baby, it can be challenging to juggle the new dynamics of parenthood and marriage.
I want to share a resource that I love with you that will help you zoom out and take a look at your marriage and how it has grown and changed after having kids. I am so excited to introduce you to my friend, Kensi Duszynski.
I have been listening to her podcast every week since the very first episode came out this summer. If you enjoy my teaching style, I think you are going to love listening to her.
Kensi is a licensed marriage and family therapist, certified professional coach, and host of the Brave Marriage Podcast. Kensi specializes in working with engaged and married couples.
Her encouragement to couples in their first few years of marriage is to do proactive work on the front end, so that they can be intentional about building ...
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If I teach my baby sign language, will they not learn to talk? Will they become lazy??

Nov 21, 2018
We're busting some common myths about sign language in this podcast episode I was interviewed on. (My interview begins at 22:44 minutes into the podcast)
- Does sign language limit toddlers' ability to learn to talk out loud?
- How did I become interested in early intervention and sign language?
- Does teaching sign language help kids receive more positive feedback?
- When a child signs a word incorrectly, what should we do?
- Is it helpful to teach students more than one communication modality?
Want to listen? We talk about all these things and more in this myth-busting episode.
(My interview begins at 22:44 minutes into the podcast)
With joy,
P.S. Honored to be invited to be a part of Talking With Tech podcast. Thanks to Rachel Madel, the Speech-Language Pathologist who interviewed me!
Need more help getting your toddler to use words to communicate?
My online class will help ...
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